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Foto del escritor: Ces HerediaCes Heredia

Actualizado: 24 dic 2020

Cycle: cy·cle [sahy-kuhl] noun A completed series of events that follows or is followed by another series of similar events occurring in the same sequence.

Life is pretty much made up of cycles. You know the classic “when one door closes, one more opens”? Yeah, the same thing our parents, teachers and even friends used to (and sometimes still do) tell us after something we might have percieved as a failure. Its all true. Clichés are clichés for a reason. Doors closing only mean there is a chance for growth. Wether that growth is spiritual, psychological, physical, or a combination of all three, obstacles, or “closed doors” provide us the time to reflect that in fact, we’re not all-mighty and perfect as we thought.

After a failure, comes a period of grieving for that thing that was lost, then comes the time to reflect on how to get back on our feet and what it takes to get there. Its all a cycle. It happens over, and over, and over again, sort of like that “circle of life” song from The Lion King. Life goes around in circles. Actually, no, not circles; its more like an upward spiral. Things turn around, life happens, we grow and suddenly we’re back to square one, with the opportunity of using all that knowledge we gained from a closed door and falling down to keep going upward, to keep growing and moving forward.

Everything in life is a cycle. Our relationships with family, with our significant others, with our co-workers, school, work. Things as small as the clothes we wear, or the music we listen to, and things as big as the economy and history, all have cyclic natures. Its all a pattern, its all a system to improve, to bring back what once worked and stopped working and upgrade it to make it better.

Failure, falling down, is a normal part of life, but so is getting up. So, onward and upward.



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You don't owe anyone perfection, niceness or beauty. You are enough. 

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