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Weekly favs - 09/08/2015

Foto del escritor: Ces HerediaCes Heredia

Y sigue mi nostalgia playera... Mañana empiezo mi último semestre de universidad. ¡Que nervios! No me siento mentalmente preparada para unirme al mundo de mis adultos en diciembre... Pero bueno, para eso todavía faltan unos meses.

Por lo pronto les dejo mis favoritos semanales (¡ya llevo tres semanas seguidas!).

1. Australian Sun Extreme Thrust tanning body lotion

2. Pareo (la verdad lo uso como kimono)

3. iPad

4. iPhone case - Pull&Bear

5. Funda de lentes - Chanel

6. Cuff - Bershka

7. Jergens Natural Glow body lotion

8. Fashionary

9. Esmalte - Revlon

10. Esmalte - Revlon

11. Lentes de sol - Cucinelle

12. Lipstick - Dior

13. Lipstick - Chanel

Sigo (y seguiré) amando la crema Natural Glow de Jergens. Gracias a ella ya no parezco Casper, el fantasma amistoso.


So apparently my beach nostalgia and withdrawal issues continue. I can't believe tomorrow's my last first day of college. I' way nervous and way not realy to join the adult world for good come December... Anyway, still a few months for that.

For now, here's my weekly flatlay with my favorite stuff this week. (for the third consecutive week, yay me!!)

2. Sarong (which I got in Playa del Carmen years ago and now use as a kimono)

3. iPad

4. iPhone case - Pull&Bear

5. Sunglasses case - Chanel

6. Cuff - Bershka

7. Jergens Natural Glow body lotion

8. Fashionary

9. Nail polish - Revlon

10. Nail polish - Revlon

11. Sunglasses - Cucinelle

12. Lipstick - Dior

13. Lipstick - Chanel

I'm still obsessed (and probably will continue to obsess over) my Jergens Natural Glow body lotion. Thanks to it, I no longer look like Casper, the friendly ghost.




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