Voy a intentar (repito, intentar) hacer uno de estos flatlays con mis cosas favoritas de la semana, cada domingo. La verdad no sé que tanto tiempo vaya a tener una vez que el semestre empiece, probablemente mi vida se vuelva 85% tésis y el 15% que resta se divida entre comida, baños de 5 minutos y dormir cuando sea posible.
Los zapatos de la foto fueron mi regalo de cumpleaños adelantado para mí misma y estoy un poco obsesionada con ellos por el momento.
Por lo pronto, les dejo mis favoritos de esta semana.
1. The Little Dictionary of Fashion - Christian Dior
2. Sandalias con plataforma - Studio F
3. Brooklyn Bridge postcard (<3)
4. Anillo (no recuedo dónde lo compré, ¡sorry!)
5. Labial Sant-Germain - Mac
6. Labial Sephora
7. Lip crayon Revlon
8. Fashionary
9. Eos
10. Collar - H&M
11. Esmalte de uñas - China Glaze
12. Esmalte de uñas - Sally Hansen Gel
13. Funda iPhone - Moschino
14. Crema de manos - L'Occitane
15. LOVE NYC postcard
Okay, so I'm going to try (yes, try) to do one of this flatlays with my favorite things of the week every Sunday. I really don't know how much free time I'll have once school's back on and thesis is full-blown again, but I'm imagining that 85% of my time will be thesis and the 15% left will be unequally divided between coffee runs, some sleep (not nearly enough) and quick, cold showers.
The shoes in this pic were my early birthday present to myself, and I'm a little obsessed with them right now.
Anyway, here's my list of favorite things this week:
1. The Little Dictionary of Fashion - Christian Dior
2. Platform sandals - Studio F
3. Brooklyn Bridge postcard (<3)
4. Ring (can't remember where I got this one)
5. Lipstick Sant-Germain - Mac
6. Lipstick Sephora
7. Lip crayon Revlon
8. Fashionary
9. Eos
10. Necklace - H&M
11. Nail polish - China Glaze
12. Nail polish - Sally Hansen Gel
13. iPhone case - Moschino
14. Hand lotion - L'Occitane
15. LOVE NYC postcard