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On New York City and why it really is the city of dreams.

Foto del escritor: Ces HerediaCes Heredia

Ever since I was around 12 years old and was old enough to read and watch movies about NYC,I’ve wanted to visit, and even live there. I dreamed about walking on Times Square, and taking the subway to go to work. Living in an appartment with a purple door and yellow picture frame on it like Monica’s was my ultimate living goal. (If you didn’t get the Friends reference, we can’t be friends). When Gossip Girl came out, my desire to be like Blair, and drink my Dean&Deluca coffee sitting on the MET steps grew exponentially. The fact that along the way I decided to get into fashion, and that New York is only one of the fashion capital of the world, only made my need to be part of it that much bigger.

When my parents got divorced, my mother used to promise me she’d take me to New York. She told me that as long as I stayed with her, and stopped asking her to give me my passport back, she’d take me shopping in Fifth Ave. and walking at Central Park. I have to admit, 13-year-old me was tempted by these promises, even though I knew they were empty. I decided to ignore her and stand for what I belived in and thought was correct, giving up any tiny hope that maybe her promises weren’t as empty as I knew they were.

Fast Forward to 2011 and my starting fashion school. I learned that my dream of visiting the City was probably not as crazy and far away as I thought. New York suddenly was in my reach again.

Every semester, a group of students visits NYC to work in certain shows during Fashion Week, and to visit all the important spots related to fashion. After three years of doubting wether I should I ask my dad if I could go or not, I decided I wouldnt lose anything by just asking. I called him and explained that the trip would be an excellent opportunity, because we got to work in the real fashion world and get a little taste of what life after college might be for some of us. He said yes. And so, the countdown began.

I planned everything I would need to buy, and used up all my christmas gifts and money on buying “cold weather” clothes and shoes. I had a calendar countdown in my room, made a Pinterest board with outfit ideas, and freaked out about a million times. It was finally coming true, I was finally going to be in New York.

Without noticing, Feb. 12 came along and I was a mix of nerves and excitement and a million other feelings. The million hours on airplanes and airports (okay, it wasnt a million hours, but it felt like it) finally came to an end and I stepped on Yankee grounds. I was so excited and kept taking pictures of absolutely everything. On the way to the hotel we passed the Condé Nast offices and I freaked out.

I finally had breakfast at Dean&Deluca, walked through Times Square, walked on Broadway, spent Valentine’s Day in museums and ate those famous New York food. (Yes, i had bagels, pizza, hot dogs and pretzels and i loved them all) I felt right at home there, and i never wanted to leave. I went crazy at Mood, and pretty much every single fabric store i went into. I fell in love with not only the city, but with the people as well. I kept finding signs (and keep finding them) that New York is the place is have to be in.

I am aware of the economic strain this trip meant for my parents, and I will forever be grateful to them for this, and any chance they give me to travel and discover new places, and new sides of myself with every trip. Ive fell in love with so many places, but i guess everything they say about New York is true. It is the city that never sleeps, it is the city where dreams come true, and it sure as hell is a city that captivates you in a way that is not quite possible to put into words.

One belongs to New York instantly. One belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years. -Tom Wolfe



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You don't owe anyone perfection, niceness or beauty. You are enough. 

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