Flashback 19 years ago, give or take a few months. A chubby cheeked, high-pitched crying little bundle of joy came into my life. At the time I din’t really understand what was going on, I just knew this new creature that cried and laughed had come home to take my place as reigning queen of my parent’s hearts. I decided I liked that little chubby thing. It was cute, it made me laugh, and although I had to be harshly introduced to the concept of “sharing” because of it, I decided it was worthy of being called Sister.
A sister, especially a little sister, is an opportunity life gives some of us, to be a role model. No matter how many fights and screaming matches sisters have, there will always be certain unspoken respect and admiration for the other one. You get to teach that girl about relationships and heartbreak; about friendship and how to handle the parents. They get to live through your mistakes, and you can only hope they are somehow blessed with being smarter than you were when you made all those wrong choices.
Yes, its true, sisters have their own secret language made up of looks and signs and even breaths. We are capable of telling a whole epic story without anyone else in the room knowing what’s going on. This language, as well as the bond its based on, will only continue to grow as you get older. Its a language that only sisters can understand, not brothers, not mothers and not fathers, Just us. Just sisters.
In a sister, you will find not only your best friend and ally, but also your worst enemy. It is she, who knows you better than you know yourself. She is, after all, a reflection of you, and you of her. She will be your rock on hard times, but she will also be your worst nightmare when you get on her bad side. A sister knows your biggest succeses and your deepest regrets. She knows exaclt who you are and can see right through you.
Sisters are blessings in desguise; they are a gift we are given. They are our most dedicated cheerleaders, even though they might try to hide it sometimes. Sisters are eternal, they are out little piece of childhood that will never die. Sisters are our personal crying pillows and life coaches, our personal diaries and consciences. They are the devils on our right shoulder, and the angels on our left.
It might be hard to appreciate this at first. There might be times when we forget about them, and hate them and probably wish they didn’t exist, but it is then that we must remember to be patient. Growing up means growing appart from our sisters a little. Growing up also means that sooner or later, the bond you share will become stronger, and you will once again be inseparable. Sisters are, after all, an extension of our very soul.
- C.
*Te quiero, gordi.