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On the difference between a leader and a boss (and those who are neither but like to pretend otherwi

Foto del escritor: Ces HerediaCes Heredia

There is a common misconseption around the whole “leader vs. boss” thing. Many people seem to think that those two words are synnonyms, just two words to refer to the same thing, and while they might be similar, they also couldnt be farther appart in meaning from each other.

While it is true that anyone can be a boss, not anyone can be a leader. A leader is someone who people willingly follow, because they feel supported and comfortable doing so. A leader is someone who inspires their team to work harder, to achieve better results and not to be okay with the bare minimmum. A leader, is someone who will listen; someone who is not only a team player, but that will make everyone feel like an important part of that team. A leader shares the victories and the defeats; a leader puts the “we” before the “me” because he or she knows that reaching the ultimate goal is beneficial for everyone, not just themselves.

On the other hand, there are those who are just bosses. Bosses feel the need to brag about their successes, and yes, they call them theirs, not their teams. A boss inspires fear, not trust among the team. Actually, a boss doesnt have a team, a boss has employees who should never forget they belong to a lower rank. A boss has an ego and has the need to constantly fuel it with personal success. A boss will tell you what to do, not guide you through. A boss will parade around superiors, acting all in control, but will be the first to leave the meeting as soon as the superiors leave.

Then, of course, there are those who are neither leaders not bosses. There are those poor, unfortunate souls that like to think people worship them, and follow them. There are those who like to believe they are legends and deserve statues and monuments erected in their honor, when really its all in their minds. There are those who would love to be leaders, but don’t even have the abilities to boss people around. There are those who will do anything to be center of attention, and will try to convince anyone who will listen about their awesomeness.

Lastlly, there’s those who just work. For whatever reasons, but they work; and it is thanks to them that leaders and bosses, and even those who are neither but would like to be both get things done. It is thanks to those who work that companys stay alive, and buildings are built. It is thanks to them that leaders and bosses even exist, becuase what would a “leader” or a “boss” be without those who follow them?




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